interference search - introductory statement
- interference search
- interference situation
- interfering application
- interfering claim
- interfering invention
- interim
- interim certificate
- interim protection
- interim report
- interlocutory
- interlocutory decision
- intermediate
- intermediate party
- intermediate user
- intermediator firm
- internal communications
- internal index
- international agreement
- international application
- international application under the PCT
- International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- international brand policy
- International Centre of Typography Art
- International Chamber of Commerce
- International Classification for Industrial Design
- International Classification of Figurative Elements of Marks
- International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks
- international classification of industrial designs
- International Color Consortium
- international community
- international convention
- International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations
- International Convention on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
- international copyright
- International Court of Justice
- international delinquency
- international deposit of an industrial design under the Hague Agreement
- International Deposit of Industrial Designs
- international exhibition